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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

QOTD–I Wish I Had ________

a little more courage to step outside my comfort zone.

I have missed out on past opportunities because of a fear of the unknown.

There have been times throughout my life that I knew I had the talent, abilities, and qualifications to do things differently but the fear of embarrassing myself or drawing attention to myself or repeating past mistakes has stopped me. 

Oh, woe is me. The life of an introvert.

I marvel at family and friends who can step right out and take risks without constant analyzation of the “what if” scenarios.

You know, what if I fail, what if someone is offended, or laughs, or….

For the past few years, I have been building up the courage to step outside my box a little more. I’ve made big strides, little by little.

Whining, confessing, and bitching on this blog for the past 7 years has helped too.

In the last couple of years, I’ve scooted a little further out on the limb and in the near future I plan on scooting out a little more.

The limb hasn’t broke yet.


“Why not go out on a limb? That’s where the fruit is.” –Mark Twain



While writing this I was listening to " Don't Try So Hard" from "Queen Forever" by "Queen"


If you're searching out for something -
Don't try so hard
If you're feeling kinda nothing -
Don't try so hard
When your problems seem like mountains
You feel the need to find some answers
You can leave them for another day
Don't try so hard
But if you fall and take a tumble -
It won't be far
If you fail you mustn't grumble -
Thank your lucky stars
Just savour every mouthful
And treasure every moment
When the storms are raging round you
Stay right where you are
Don't try so hard
Oooh don't take it all to heart
It's only fools they make these rules
Don't try so hard
One day you'll be a sergeant major
Oh you'll be so proud
Screaming out your bloody orders
Hey but not too loud
Polish all your shiny buttons
Dressed as lamb instead of mutton
But you never had to try
To stand out from the crowd
Oh what a beautiful world
Is this the life for me
Oh what a beautiful world
It's the simple life for me
Oh don't try so hard
Oh don't take it all to heart
It's only fools - they make these rules
Don't try so hard
Don't try so hard

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It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. ~Author Unknown