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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas is hard…


No, this is not another angry rant about not being able to give or get everything I want at Christmas.

Been there, done that, felt stupid, moved on.

Sure, money’s still tight and I’m not going to be able to get my wife everything I feel she deserves, but come on, she deserves literally everything.

She’s the glue that keeps my life together and she has put up with me for the last 30+ years. 

This post is more about dealing with those emotional up and down feelings I get every year around this time. Both good and bad. (And yes, I’m aware I’m not alone.)

I haven’t seen my brothers in at least a year. I have nieces and nephews that I haven’t seen in a much longer time. They have kids and grandkids that I haven’t even met yet. Aunts, uncles, cousins (some of which I haven’t seen in decades), and long time friends, I miss them all.

Time just flies, doesn’t it?

And don’t even get me started on the ones that are no longer alive. I miss them the most even though they are right here with me in my memories and dreams.

Yeah, I know this sounds like I’m in a pretty down mood but I’m not.

This year I feel more at peace and more excited about the holidays and the coming new year than I have in a long time.

This past year I have focused on making more positive changes in my attitude and outlook on life. I’m beginning to learn to be more mindful and live in the present instead of fretting so much about the past or future. I’m letting the small meaningless stresses go and refocusing on what is most important to me. Family, friends, health and happiness.

One common theme in most things I have read this year is that you should declare your intentions/hopes/goals, then imagine yourself accomplishing them and visualize how that feels. Sort of like if you build it they will come, but instead it’s if you visualize it things will happen.

So with that in mind, I’m declaring next year will be better and happier. (Ooh, that almost sounded like the Radiohead song “Fitter Happier”).

There has also been a multitude of friends, family and co-workers with positive attitudes and outlooks that have helped me and probably not even known it. I’ve paid attention to your Facebook posts, blogs and conversations and it has helped me recognize ways to handle situations in a more positive manner.

Thank you all.

So with all this in mind….

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!



While writing this I was listening to " "Light Those Candles Bright" - Holiday Song" from "Now Hear This! - The Winners of the 12th Independent Music Awards” by "Amanda Duncan"

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It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. ~Author Unknown