Comments and critiques are welcome. Just don't be a troll, no one likes a troll.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

To friend or not to friend…

Is that really the question?

Today, for the first time ever, I unfriended someone on Facebook.

In the past I have blocked a friend of a friend’s comments because they were just getting too offensive. Eventually I unblocked them.

I have also blocked posting from most apps, Farmville etc. I really don’t care if someone bought a virtual cow or won a virtual pie at a virtual county fair. 

I’ve even unliked some pages because their posts were clogging up my newsfeed.

But I have never unfriended someone.

I mean my standards for accepting friends are not that complicated. Family and close friends are automatics. Co-workers and old school friends/acquaintances are a shoe in. Just send me a request. I’ll even accept requests from mutual friends of friends.

And once your in, your pretty much in for life. I don’t ask for much, I read other peoples’ posts more than I post myself.

It would take a lot to push me over the line and force me to unfriend you and before yesterday I really couldn’t tell you where that line was.

FYI. Here it is.

Diss me and I can let it slide, maybe. Diss a friend and I will defend them and hopefully make you see where you are wrong.

Diss a family member, well…game over.

When I introduce my wife to you I expect a cordial response such as “nice to meet you” or a “how are you today?”

A Neanderthal grunt and look of disgust is not going to cut it with me.

Follow that by being arrogant, making rude comments and acting like you are too good to have dinner with me and my friends, then hit the road, bitch.

I’m sure we’ll cross paths sometime in the future, probably in the same type of social situation since we know some of the same people, but don’t expect any recognition from me.

When it comes to family, especially my wife, it’s one strike and you’re out.



While writing this, I was listening to "Call In Sick" from "Panic" by MxPx

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Let me tell you, poor depth perception can hurt.

I decided to mow the front yard today. It has been weeks since the last time, mainly because of the constant headaches from eye strain.

Listen closely and you can hear the neighbors cheering.

Our front yard is surrounded by a retaining wall. The drop is about 2 1/2 ft. (See photo below)

I paid close attention to that obstacle and navigated around it pretty well.

What I wasn’t watching was the low hanging tree limb that I almost knocked myself out on.


After Landscaping






This picture was taken about 4 yrs. ago, the tree is a lot sturdier now.


Oh yeah, and did you notice the lighter upper section of the house? That actually overhangs the lower level of the house. The upper level sticks out about 2 ft. further than the lower level and it’s about 5 ft. off the ground.

I slammed into that at full walking speed. BAM!

I have taken more Tylenol today than I have everyday combined since my surgery.

Tomorrow I’m going to mow the backyard.

Maybe I better rent a seeing eye dog.



While writing this, I was listening to "Hard to Be" from "Family Style" by Vaughan Brothers

Thursday, August 4, 2011

One down, One to go

The cataract surgery was a success, I am no longer near-sighted in my left eye and my vision is no longer cloudy in that eye.

My right eye? Well, it’s still the same. But that will change on Sept. 6th.

All went well with the surgery but let me give you a tip. If you are squeamish about IVs and needles make sure the surgery nurse doesn’t know. As I mention in an earlier post, I was resolved with the idea that the IV was necessary and decided not to say anything about it.

Evelyn had a different idea. She made sure the staff knew I was nervous about it.

The results? The nurse stuck me twice in the back of the right hand with no luck, she then began searching in the crook of my arm but could not find a vein there so she moved to the back of my left hand. All this time she was commenting on how hard it was to find a good spot. Funny, the lab tech who draws blood every 6 mos. for my cholesterol/lipid check never has a problem. I was good though, I clenched my teeth and took it. I’m surprised that I didn’t blow the top off the blood pressure monitor.

After that it was pretty smooth sailing. They gave me the Versed and that relaxed me, A LOT. They rolled me into the OR, tilted the table until I was practically standing on my head and taped my head to the table in the correct position for the doctor. Versed is a great relaxant.

I was conscious during the surgery. I could hear the doctor and nurses talking but it really didn’t register what they were saying. All I could see was white light at first but then as they started to removed and replace the lens, I could see a vivid display of colors. Cool.

Did I mention that I love Versed?

Then it was over in 9 minutes. 

On the way home, Evelyn and I stopped at Sonic. I immediately started reading the menu. Then it dawned on me. Holy Crap! I don’t have my glasses on. This thing really worked.

As I stated before, I’m seeing pretty well with my left eye. I didn’t get an eye patch, darn it! They took the left lens out of my glasses. That wasn’t going to work because my depth perception was way off and I couldn’t read or see the keyboard on my laptop. So today Evelyn drove me to Walgreens to pick up some “cheaters” and sunglasses. She is refusing to let me drive until I have my other eye corrected.

The “cheaters” are working pretty well since I am actually typing right now. Tomorrow is the big test, I go back to work.

In the words of my optometrist, “It’s going to be a long month.”



While writing this, I was listening to "Running to Stand Still" from "The Joshua Tree [20th Anniversary 2-CD] Disc 1" by U2

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Here we go

Less than 3 hours to go before I have to be at the surgery center. My arrival time is 12:50pm. I’m not sure how long it will take after that.

Still stressed out but have resolved to tough it out with the IV. That makes me sound brave but really what choice do I have.

My pre-surgery instructions for today were no caffeine, no dairy, only clear liquids up until 11am, and no solid foods after 7am. You know what that means, I’m jonesing for Dutch Brothers and a huge wedge of cheddar cheese. As for the no solid food, I got up at 6am this morning and had toast, cereal with NO milk, and 2 chocolate covered doughnuts. Then I went back to bed and sleep till 9.

Yes, I’m well aware that I’m crazy.

I will try to post an update tonight but I don’t really know how well I will feel or see.



While writing this, I was listening to "Things I Used To Know (Acoustic)" from "In This Moment [Amazon MP3 Exclusive]" by Riley Etheridge Jr.