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Thursday, March 12, 2015

QOTD–Are You Happy?


That’s the question of the ages.

If I’d been asked this question just two and half years ago, I would have probably answered “No”.

I’ve spent the last couple of years doing some soul searching and I’ve been able to redefine what’s really important to me.

I can now say I’m happy in my life.

Are there things that I still want to change? Sure there are but those things aren’t controlling me like they used to.

I recently read a book by Dan Harris called 10% Happier. It was basically about his early news career and dealing with the stresses that come with network TV news. He turned to drugs until he had a mental breakdown on live TV. After that he searched for something more meaningful and less dangerous to deal with the stress. He started to meditate and began to feel a relief from his stresses. Co-workers and friends began to ask him questions about the changes they could see in him and if meditating made him happy. His reply was that it made him 10% happier. That way, they wouldn’t think he had become a fanatic about meditation or religion. People didn’t ridicule or debate him about it since he was not toting it as a “cure-all” for what ails you.

Not sure where I was going with that other than to say that 10% happier seems like a pretty good goal to strive for.



While writing this I was listening to " Against the Grain" from "Count Me In" by "Rebelution"

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It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. ~Author Unknown