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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Three Rs

My mind started to wander when I began thinking about my New Year resolutions for 2014.

I began to think about the “Three Rs”, reading, writing, and arithmetic, and how I could utilize them in my resolutions.

Reading - I have this one pretty well covered. I’ll read anything.

Last year I read 59 books. I have a lot of books that have been stacked around the house for years so my goal is to work my way through them instead of checking out more from the library.

Writing – Every year I say the same thing, “I’m going to post here more often.” This year I really am. Really. I’m not just saying that, I am.

Arithmetic – ?? I’m not really planning on doing much extra with math this year so I’m going to equate this with learning.

Maybe a new craft or hobby? Maybe an online course or photography workshop?

Maybe to think before I speak? That’s a good one.


Of course the way my mind works I couldn’t stop with just 3 Rs.

How about:

Rest, Relax, Recreation, photogRaphy, Reconnect, Reflect, tRavel, Recommit, chaRity, Reenergize, Renovate, butteRfly …


Happy New Year!

May this year bring you only peace, happiness and joy.



While writing this I was listening to " Becoming a Jackal" from "Becoming a Jackal" by "Villagers"