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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Cry In The Night

Ok, it’s around 3:30 in the morning and I’m sound asleep.

Then it happened….




It’s Evelyn!

I jump up and she is not in bed.

She sounded like she was downstairs.

Something must be wrong with her mother.

I grab some pants, run out of the bedroom, flip on the light in the sitting area and…

I wake up Evelyn who was sound asleep in a chair.

And she was pissed because my snoring had driven her out there and she had finally fallen asleep.


She never called me….



I heard her as clear as if I had been sitting right next to her.

This scared the crap out of me so I did an online search for this phenomena.

Most results mentioned some sort of spiritual cause.

Channeling of spirits. Spirit guides trying to contact you. Ghosts or poltergeists trying to wake you.

Black eyed children. (Search that one, it will freak you out.)

Aliens. Past relatives trying to contact you. Angels.

And last but not least, your subconscious emulates the voice  of a person who is alive that is trying to get your attention because you have been neglecting them or not paying them enough attention.

Great, know I’ve become Sybil. Maybe the voices are real.


So here is my question of the day:

Have you ever experienced anything like this and what is your explanation?


Image borrowed from



While writing this I was listening to " Sleeping Faster" from "Don't Be Afraid Of Love" by "Lo Fidelity Allstars"

1 comment:

  1. Yeah. It used to happen more when I was younger. I assume now that it was some form of tinnitus that my brain tried to make sense of by creating my name with it. Our brains are powerful and mystical things. Sorry I can't be more 'ooky-spooky' with my belief, though. It would be fun to think someone was actually calling me from somewhere...


It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. ~Author Unknown