This morning I braved the snow-packed roads and made it to the Bemis School of Arts before they opened. As I pulled into the parking lot my only thought was "Sweet, there's only one car in the parking lot." I waited till they opened and walked into an empty registration office. "Great, I'm first in line" I thought.
Wrong. Both digital photography classes were full. It seems that if you are a member of the Fine Arts Center then you can register earlier than the public. About 2 months earlier. I didn't have a chance. This explains why there was no one else there to register. Obviously everybody else had already learned this lesson.
So I took action. I am now a proud member of the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center and you can bet I'll be watching like their website everyday like a hawk. When registration for the summer session opens, I'm on it.
While writing this I was listening to "Velvet Sky" by Los Lonely Boys.
Terry, You my friend have crossed over into the world of computers. Is this why we never see you anymore? I miss the old Terry who would dance around the kitchen and laugh at my poor card playing. Can't you let the old Terry out to play? Love renny