Comments and critiques are welcome. Just don't be a troll, no one likes a troll.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


After my disappointing trip to the art school yesterday, I decided to go out to the Garden of the Gods park to try out my new camera. Only one problem. It was about 25 degrees and snowing. Despite that, I had a great time. It was quiet, peaceful and absolutely beautiful. Below are a few photos.


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While writing this I was listening to "Mailman" by Soundgarden.

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Slight Setback

This morning I braved the snow-packed roads and made it to the Bemis School of Arts before they opened. As I pulled into the parking lot my only thought was "Sweet, there's only one car in the parking lot." I waited till they opened and walked into an empty registration office. "Great, I'm first in line" I thought.

Wrong. Both digital photography classes were full. It seems that if you are a member of the Fine Arts Center then you can register earlier than the public. About 2 months earlier. I didn't have a chance. This explains why there was no one else there to register. Obviously everybody else had already learned this lesson.

So I took action. I am now a proud member of the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center and you can bet I'll be watching like their website everyday like a hawk. When registration for the summer session opens, I'm on it.



While writing this I was listening to "Velvet Sky" by Los Lonely Boys.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Goals, Resolutions, or ? for 2009

About this time last year I blogged about the difference between goals and resolutions, see Resolutions vs Goals. My opinion was that resolutions were expected to be broken but goals held more weight and would be harder too ignore. Well, as you can tell from my last blog entry, I kind of blew that theory out of the water. So for 2009 I guess I am going to make a list of intentions. They pretty much mirror last year but they are a little more general.

My intentions for 2009 are:

1. Blog more. I have been reading a lot more blogs lately and have noticed that a lot of them never have written articles. Some have videos and photos while some just feed off other blogs. I've also read a few articles about writing and most say if you want to be a writer then you need to write something everyday even if it's just a bunch of crap. So this year I intend to step up my blogging. Now I know I don't lead an exciting life and most of this blog is just sort of therapy for me but I do intend to be more diligent about it. So expect more writing, more photos and possibly a few links to other blogs.

2. Get healthier. I'm not going to set a specific weight goal this year. I just want to be healthier. I intend to watch what I eat, go to the gym more often and be more active overall this year.

3. Be more connected to others. I had an acquaintance from the library pull me aside the other day and tell me he had just gotten out of detox after a suicide attempt. I was taken aback. This is a person I see nearly everyday and have even had lunch with. How could I not notice he was in trouble or wonder why I hadn't seen him around for a few days? So this year, I intend to pick up the phone and call family and friends more often. I also intend to be more observant of those around me.

4. Continue to read. Last year I set a goal to read 20 books and I actually read 21. While I'm proud of this accomplishment there were times that I felt pressured to read faster. This year I will continue to read but at my convenience. I also have a lot of e-books and audiobooks on my PC that I want to read.

5. Expand my artistic horizons. Last year I planned to complete 4 paintings and finished none. I realized that painting is just not for me, the results were never what I pictured in my head. It was one of those things that I expressed an interest in and was immediately inundated and pressured by family to be the next Van Gogh. Photography on the other hand is something I have always enjoyed and nobody ever expected me to become famous with it. So tomorrow I'm enrolling in a digital photography class so I can learn how to use the new Olympus DSLR that my wife bought me for Christmas.

Well that's all I got for now. Wish me luck on this year's goals and I hope all your hopes and dreams for the new year come true as well.



While writing this, I was listening to "An Exception to the Rule" by Dwight Yoakam.