Comments and critiques are welcome. Just don't be a troll, no one likes a troll.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Time To Restructure

It's always been hard for me to let things go. I'm an accumulator of stuff.
At the beginning of the year, I began blogging at but I couldn't let go of this site so I have decided to re-purpose it into a place to post my photos.

I have dabbled in photography most of my life but I wouldn't actually call myself a photographer. The quality, in my opinion, is just not up to that standard. I feel I'm more of a snapshooter. I don't spend a lot of time lining up a shot or worrying about proper lighting. Most of the time, I'm amazed if the photo looks good. I have even been known to literally shot  shoot from the hip so I have no idea what I've lined up on.

So here goes, I hope you enjoy the pictures and I would appreciate any comments or critiques you have.

Just don't be a troll, no one likes trolls.