- Continue to treat Evelyn like the goddess she is.
- I am always striving to give Evelyn the world. It is a task that will never end.
- Be grateful for what I have and stop fretting about what I don’t.
- Still working on this one but I think I’m getting better.
- Obtain my CompTIA Network+ certification.
- I still haven’t gotten back into this one.
- Read 50 books.
- Read 6 so far and I’m currently in the middle of 3 more.
- Change my current situation whether it be a new position at work or a new job somewhere else.
- DONE! On Monday the 1st, I start at the East Library. Same position, same pay, but it’s a change I needed to make.
- Stop over-analyzing my choices and just make one, good or bad.
- Still working on this one as well.
- Continue my journey toward conquering anger.
- Still making progress. This will be a life-long journey.
- Take a road trip with one or both of my brothers. (I guess I’ll need to call them to plan this)
- Been working on the budget for this one. It may turn out to be just a drive to Texas, visit the brothers a day or two and come back home.
- Reconnect with family and friends.
- Tomorrow I’ll be turning Skype and Facebook chat back on. Time to force the introvert in me to become more sociable.
- More photography trips.
- I haven’t taken a single photo this month but the year is young.
- Lighten up.
- I have made great strides in this area this month. Some things just aren’t worth the stress.
Just a note about my job change.
It may appear that I’m making light of leaving the Penrose Library for the East Library but it was a really difficult decision. While I will be in a better environment and hopefully have more exposure to those who could help me progress into a more satisfying position, I will be leaving some really great friends behind. I know we will keep in touch but I won’t see them everyday and that is the tough part.
I’m not sure how to wrap this post up so I’ll just say, follow your heart and do what is best for you.
Sure there will be some hard decisions along the way and it could be scary but if you don’t look over the fence, you will never know if the grass is greener or not.
While writing this I was listening to " You Are The One" from "Dead Oceans Winter 2013 Sampler" by "A Place To Bury Strangers"