Comments and critiques are welcome. Just don't be a troll, no one likes a troll.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I’m a medical oddity


eye chart


Ok, so I went to the optometrist yesterday for my annual eye exam. No big deal right. Well, that would be wrong.

My doctor found so many things wrong or unusual that he was giddy like a kid in a candy store.

First off my eyesight is bad. It has been for years. I’ve worn glasses since I was in fifth grade. I basically wear coke bottles.

Wait, it gets better. Last year during my exam the doctor informed me I had cataracts in both eyes but not to worry because they were very slight. He told me it was not unusual for people to start to develop them at my age (47 at the time). Nothing to worry about for another 10-15 years...

Fast forward one year.

Dr. H: I can hardly see your retina through that lens. How are you seeing out? It looks like a steamy window.

Me: Huh?

Dr. H: Let’s do some more tests.

An hour and a half later, it appears that the cataract in my left eye has made a quantum leap ahead about 10 years and now I may be a candidate for surgery. While my right eye has progressed as expected. They can only correct the vision in my left eye to about 20/35 with normal glasses.

Suddenly I have a screaming TV pitchman running through my head.

But wait there’s more! Call us today and we’ll throw in astigmatism, Krukenberg's Spindle also known as pigment dispersion syndrome and the possibility of glaucoma at no extra costs! Just pay shipping and handling along with whatever exorbitant copay and out of pocket expenses that your insurance provider requires and you too could be enjoying this luxurious health package for the rest of your life!

Yeah, Dr H. was pretty excited.

So next week I go to the Wright Eye Center here in Colorado Springs and meet with another eye doctor for a 2nd opinion and a pre-surgery assessment. Then they have to convince my insurance provider that I qualify for the procedure. Swell.



Yeah, my eyes don’t look like this.



While writing this, I was listening to "Look But Don't Touch" from "The Alligator Records-20th Anniversary Collection" by Kenny Neal


Blogger Labels: Krukenberg Spindle,pigment dispersion syndrome, cataracts

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


First things first. Edenland is the title of an awesome blog written by an Australian woman with a great story and the ability to lock into what other people need to hear. Check it out at

In the past, I’ve written a least a couple of times about how this blog is for me and I’m going to write whatever I want and if I hurt anyone’s feelings or offend someone, then I’m sorry but they can just get over it.

Well….that doesn’t happen too often. I constantly worry about the subject matter and whether I am choosing the right wording or not because I may upset someone or they may think differently of me. And what if I express an opinion that someone else disagrees with? I have a co-worker who tells me on a regular basis that my problem is that I just want to be friends with everyone and I want everyone to like me. Well yeah!? Doesn’t everyone?

Actually, my problem is that I want to avoid conflict and confrontation at all costs. So if I can get along with everybody then I’m halfway there.  I think I learned this at an early age because when I was just 6 or 7 years old, my oldest brother was just hitting his rebellious teen years and I remember plenty of arguments between him and our dad. Then a few years later, my other brother hit his teens and it appeared to be a cycle that was destined  to be repeated. Between the three of them, I witnessed enough shouting and shoving matches that I wanted no part of this when I got to be older.

As a result of this, I began living life passively and with minimal risk. The less I could rock the boat, the better. This has led to a life where I constantly rehash conversations (even really old ones) in my mind to see if I said anything that could be misconstrued or offensive. And this has led to, more than once, a feeling of remorse or guilt over something I have said or done in the past.

Anxiety abounds in my world. “I can’t do that, what would so and so think?” Or “I can’t say that or disagree with them, what if I hurt their feelings?” These are all phrases that run through my mind on a regular basis. So you’re wondering what is all this mindless rambling about? Are you going to make some great proclamation of how you are going to change? I wish that were true but the real truth is that this behavior is pretty ingrained in me right now and it will be a long, hard and gradual process before I can make that proclamation, if ever.

Well then, what does this have to do with Edenland?

I’m glad you asked. I ran across Eden’s blog a month or so ago and it inspires me every time I read a new entry. Here is a woman who is a recovering addict, her husband is a cancer survivor, she has 2 young sons and a teenage stepson and she puts it all out there on her blog. All the trials and tribulations, all the ups and downs. No holds barred. She doesn’t care what people think, this is who she is. It’s not a whinny, feel sorry for me blog. It is written in such a straight-forward and passionate manner that it is extremely hard for the reader not to be moved. Maybe not every entry, some are just humorous and entertaining, but the blog as a whole is very inspiring. I wish I could write like that.

About the same time that I discovered Edenland, I was reading a book called Poke The Box by Seth Godin (available on at It’s about initiative and starting. Not just thinking “outside the box” but poking it and pushing it around. Break out of the status quo and the norm and do something unheard of. Don’t wait for permission or committee approval, take the risk.

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the book:

“Aimless is where we end up when we don’t care so much about where we’re going, or we try to hide and limit our contributions.”

“Risk is avoided because we’ve been trained to avoid failure. I define anxiety as experiencing failure in advance…and if you have anxiety about initiating a project, then of course you will associate risk with failure.”

“Now the whole world is in flux. If your project doesn’t have movement, then compared to the rest of the world, you’re actually moving backward.”

The first rule of doing work that matters: Go to work on a regular basis. Art is hard. Selling is hard. Writing is hard. Making a difference is hard.“


That last quote really got to me. So that is going to be my new proclamation. “Go to work on a regular basis.”

Not work as in my job but work as in this blog. Change is hard. Deep down, I really started this blog because I wanted to write but didn’t have the confidence to believe I could do it well or have anything worth saying. But as Seth Godin said, “Writing is hard. Making a difference is hard“ and if I don’t work at this and try to write something everyday then anxiety wins and I lose.

So…I went to the optometrist today for a routine eye exam but that’s a story I’ll tell tomorrow.

Good Night.



While writing this, I was listening to "Hunt Hunt Hunt" from "Another Hopeless Summer 2011" by There For Tomorrow


Blogger Labels: Edenland,Seth Godin,initiative,Risk,failure,flux,movement,Change

Monday, June 20, 2011

Problem Solving Warning


Working at the local public library gives me access to a plethora of knowledge and information right at my finger tips. I can find information on just about any subject.

Frequently I come across something that catches my eye, usually because of a picture on the cover or a humorous title such as The Complete Idiot's Guide to Exotic and Pole Dancing Illustrated. You gotta start somewhere, right?

I probably wouldn’t have noticed the CD Book below for any particular reason, we have a whole series of this available.


But while searching for another item, this one fell of the shelf and the CD went rolling across the floor. When I picked it up I noticed the warning across the label.



Wow! And I thought texting while driving was a problem.



While writing this, I was listening to "Waiting For The Night To Come" from "Strawberry Blood" by Mundy

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Quote of the day


The ability to see the right choice, but not until several hours have passed since making the wrong one? That’s what makes a person a dumbass, folks.

-David Wong in John Dies at the End by David Wong




While writing this, I was listening to "Utopia" from "The End Records 2011 Summer Sampler" by Brendan Perry