I live in in a moderate size house on a cul-de-sac of 7 to 8 houses. Spread among these houses are at least 10 dogs. The next door neighbor has 2, his neighbor has 3, another has 2 and yet another has 2 or 3. It’s springtime here in Colorado so we have opened our windows to air the house out. I have been sitting here for the last hour reading email, surfing the web and listening to every freakin’ dog on the block bark. They bark at every car they hear, every squirrel, every door slam, every bird and every other dog barking.
Yes, I know this is what dogs do and I don’t fault them for that. I’m pissed at their owners. My wife and I do not own a dog or any other pet and I really have nothing against dogs or their owners…except that most of the owners around here put their dogs outside and then go back into their houses and ignore them. They sit in their air-conditioning with the windows closed and are totally oblivious to the mayhem going on right outside their door. I feel if you own a dog, you should at least check on it ever so often or even bring it inside if it will not stop barking.
They call it a neighborhood for a reason. Other people live around you and you really should consider that.
Just sayin’
Today's music selection is "Whiskey in the Jar (Full Length Version)" from "Dedication - The Very Best of Thin Lizzy" by Thin Lizzy